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Bridal Shower Towel Cake
jfabbride Posted: Nov 23, 2004 02:40 PM+
jfabbride MEMBER SINCE: 10/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1339 WEDDING DATE: Oct 09, 2004
Posted: Nov 23, 2004 02:40 PM bride-minus.png

Bridal Shower Towel Cake


Crafts are really not my thing, but I want to make my best friend a towel cake for her shower. I have all the equipment and rolled and pinned the towels but I can't figure out how to get the layers to stay on top of each other. I've tried pins but it really isn't working. Anyone ever make one of these or have any ideas for me.

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ChristineC68 Posted: Nov 23, 2004 03:08 PM+
ChristineC68 MEMBER SINCE: 5/01 TOTAL POSTS : 12170 WEDDING DATE: Sep 21, 2002
Posted: Nov 23, 2004 03:08 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Bridal Shower Towel Cake

All the directions I could find said to pin securely so maybe a ton of safety pins would do the trick?

I don't know where you would get this, but a small round base with a pedastal would probably make this easy. Maybe there's something in the bakery section of Micheals/ACMoores.
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t Posted: Nov 24, 2004 09:06 AM+
t MEMBER SINCE: 7/04 TOTAL POSTS : 2244 WEDDING DATE: Jun 08, 1996
Posted: Nov 24, 2004 09:06 AM bride-minus.png

Re: Bridal Shower Towel Cake

put a small platform between each layer. A nice sucggestion would be a pizza pan or a round light weight platter of some sort. This way your layers are seperate and you can put in stuff she would need or could use
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bride04 Posted: Nov 28, 2004 01:09 PM+
bride04 MEMBER SINCE: 10/02 TOTAL POSTS : 2175 WEDDING DATE: Apr 17, 2004
Posted: Nov 28, 2004 01:09 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Bridal Shower Towel Cake

i used small wooden dowels to hold the layers together. you stick them into the bottom layer and then just slide the other layers on top. I think I also used some pins for a little extra stability. i didn't make the kind where you stuff things in between the layers. a lot of people thought it was a real cake. here's a pic of one of the ones i made
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jfabbride Posted: Nov 29, 2004 04:12 PM+
jfabbride MEMBER SINCE: 10/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1339 WEDDING DATE: Oct 09, 2004
Posted: Nov 29, 2004 04:12 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Bridal Shower Towel Cake

That looks great!!! I used some wooden dowels and it seems to have done the trick. I'll just have to ask everyone not to touch it and stay a safe distance away!!! HA!!!

Thanks for all your help!
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