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Am I Being Selfish?
hasteinm Posted: Mar 18, 2020 09:40 AM+
hasteinm MEMBER SINCE: 3/20 TOTAL POSTS : 1 WEDDING DATE: Aug 02, 2020
Posted: Mar 18, 2020 09:40 AM bride-minus.png

Am I Being Selfish?

​​​​I love my family but they aren’t the easiest people to deal with right now.
- They have told me to get over the wedding cancelation, which I have( who wants a pandemic wedding in Spain that can hurt your family right now anyway?)but we still lost thousands of dollars we cannot replace in a short timeframe.
 - They joke about it and say I can replan it BUT I can only replan it in July or by early August because my siblings have college and can’t miss it for my wedding (so I can’t have a wedding this year most likely since they would only be available from June -August 2nd all year. I could plan on school breaks but that will get some family complaints).
- My fiancé and I have been offered no support empathy wise or financially(because we will need help if they expect us to have a wedding this year).
- They complain when I see venues (cheap venues as in the ENTIRE wedding event for food, entertainment & etc. would not be over $5,000)
And my mother, who said she’ll help me plan a good wedding HATES my father and his family and already told me I cannot serve alcohol for “those people”.I’m at my wits end and so is my fiancé. Our monastery in Spain said we can reschedule if we want to and I am thinking about just doing that and not dealing with this anymore.  Is that being ungrateful and selfish?
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