Real Long Island Wedding: Nicole and Tom

  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Nicole and Tom - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
It was a magical and majestic fairytale fete for Nicole and Tom as the couple exchanged vows and celebrated their love at one of the North Shore’s most picture perfect, picturesque locations.
The magic happened at Long Island's Glen Cove Mansion on July 16, 2018.
The happy couple treated guests to all the glitz, glamour and grandiosity of grand gala befitting a Prince and his Princess. The elaborate event was BIG on romance and was replete with lots and lots of regal accents….perfect for a perfectly happily ever after.
The newlywed made the memories and memories were recorded andcaptured by Studio 27.
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