Real Long Island Wedding: Maria and John

  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Maria and John - Real Weddings Long Island, NY

2016 was a big year.
Wedding preparations took place as John was covering President Elect Donald Trump on the campaign trail
for ABC News and Maria doing outstanding PR work for the Presbyterian Hospital.
The fairy tale wedding took place at The Bourne Mansion since the couple loves the idea of Long Island Gold Coast
and The Great Gatsby stylish vibe. It featured a lot of whites and golds, a festive flare and a few Christmas Trees.

Lighthouse Photography Dream Weddings was excited and honored to capture Maria and John's
Special Day. We wish the happy couple a lifetime of love and happiness!

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