Real Long Island Wedding: Gina and James

  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
  • Gina and James - Real Weddings Long Island, NY
The best way to describe the wedding of Gina and James is where trend meets tradition.
The two tied the knot on a very bright and sunny July 7, 2018.
Elegance and sophistication were at the heart and soul of the union of this classic yet contemporary couple as they took their vows in from of friend and family then treated them to an eclectic celebration at Flowerfield.
The church ceremony was GRAND and a gala within itself…and an ideal backdrop for such a splendid sacrament and culmination of two hearts becoming one.
The party took place among the trees and rivers of one of Long Island’s most breathtaking wedding venues for a totally “north shore”, “Gatsbyesque” style celebration.
Lavish and “laid back” this couple brought plenty of fun to their eclectic upscale event showing guests a tastefully trendy good time.
The memories and magic were captured by Long Island photographer Marco Photography
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