  • USERNAME: smplynluv
  • BRIDE: Lucy
  • GROOM: Eddie
  • ENGAGED: 12/29/2006
  • WEDDING: 06/14/2008
Smplynluv's Photo Albums
  • smplynluv Me in My Dress Sample w/ Veil & Tiara!
    8 Photos
  • smplynluv General Wedding Ideas
    2 Photos
  • smplynluv Couples Swept Away
    4 Photos

  • smplynluv Flower Samples
    5 Photos
  • smplynluv E-Pics 11/26/07
    16 Photos
  • smplynluv Me & FH in Portugal
    6 Photos

  • smplynluv Pretty Cakes
    4 Photos
  • smplynluv My E-Ring
    1 Photos
  • Chat With Local Long Island Brides
  • Lessings Waterfront Mansions
  • Swan Club
  • Larkfield
  • Photos of the Heart-Photos of the Heart
  • Verdi's-Verdi's
  • Honeymoons - Travel Agents-
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