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Greek Brides??
deby Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:20 AM+
deby MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1073 WEDDING DATE: Apr 25, 2004
Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:20 AM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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Olgaki Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:50 AM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:50 AM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Jack and Rose's quote - at least the one he gave me - makes no distinction between what type of flowers I use - but then again I think I might have misquoted them

Fine Art was a little more than I wanted to spend. I'm still looking
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deby Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:57 AM+
deby MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1073 WEDDING DATE: Apr 25, 2004
Posted: Jun 23, 2003 01:57 AM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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Olgaki Posted: Jun 23, 2003 02:29 AM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 23, 2003 02:29 AM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Debbie I know - I'm trying to keep everything as quality yet not too expesinve as possible. IT'S SO MUCH MONEY AND NOT ONE THING IS REALLY WORTH IT

At that is my 2am vent lol!
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AtticaQT Posted: Jun 26, 2003 12:40 PM+
AtticaQT MEMBER SINCE: 5/03 TOTAL POSTS : 6197 WEDDING DATE: Jan 09, 2005
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 12:40 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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Olgaki Posted: Jun 26, 2003 01:08 PM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 01:08 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Woa that is foul!
We told the koubaro last week and that was three weeks after we got engaged and I thought THAT was too long! (Only reason we didn't earlier was because we wanted to both be there and ask him and that took some planning lol)

I don't know about the best man/koubaro thing. If they are two important people in his life, then maybe this is his way of making them both apart of it? But I still agree the best man IS the koubaro - se stefanoni for goodness sakes!

I don't agree with the 'well the bride doesn't know him' stuff. The point of the bridal party is that it is people important to you both as individuals and a couple - it should be a mix. The koubaro is my FI's best friend and I know him but he is still much closer with him but that is OK- we all get along and I adore him. You start a relationship with him from now and it will blossom as life goes on - you aren't supposed to both be superclose to everyone in each other's lives. It takes time. I don't understand if they have been engaged for 3 year (and I'm sure dating sometime before that) why they haven't made it a point to get closer to the guy they want as a koubaro? Maybe someone else told them no? Or they just don't care?

Wow this got long but I think being a koubaro is a BIG DEAL and it should be treated as such. This person is there changing your rings and putting the stefana on you. Give the koubaro the respect he deserves and tell him more than 3 months before the wedding! How is he even supposed to buy favors and stefana and all that stuff? I'd say no just on the principle of that being a smack in the face. But that's me
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Scoop Posted: Jun 26, 2003 01:31 PM+
Scoop MEMBER SINCE: 5/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3687 WEDDING DATE: Nov 02, 2002
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 01:31 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

We told our koumbaro right away husband's best friend since they were kids. We didn't have a best man however, when my brother got married, my parents gave him a really hard time on choosing a koumbaro. They wanted him to choose his godbrother (some kind of greek tradition)...but my brother hardly sees him and they don't hang out at all. To make peace, he chose this guy as the koumbaro and asked my other brother to be the best man.

I've seen this done at a lot of greek weddings.
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LImom Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:00 PM+
LImom MEMBER SINCE: 4/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1337 WEDDING DATE: May 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:00 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

I'm only a Mom here, and I hope you don't mind if I add my two cents. The Koumbaro has to be Greek and when the groom is not Greek, he usually wants a brother or close friend at his side. The same is true if the bride really wants a friend as a Koumbara and then the groom wants his own Best Man. I've seen it all and have no problem with finding ways to make everyone happy.

It's kind of similar when a bride has a Maid of Honor as well as a Matron of Honor. Lately, however, I've seen two MOH's. It's a way of not having to choose and I feel it's understandable.

However, when you are asking someone to be a Koumbaro, there is a lot more involved than just renting a tux. It is very expensive, as Olgaki pointed out, it requires a lot of running around to do everything, and it usually means that he will baptize the first child. I would wonder why it took them so long to decide. Did they want someone else and it didn't work out? I would definitely be offended if it were one of my sons asked to do this.
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AtticaQT Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:23 PM+
AtticaQT MEMBER SINCE: 5/03 TOTAL POSTS : 6197 WEDDING DATE: Jan 09, 2005
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:23 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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Olgaki Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:36 PM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:36 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

That's so true!!! A lot of people choose koubaroi because they know - and I quote a friend's friends - 'They Can afford awesome favors'

I SO don't agree with that! These are people who you are choosing to basically make 'blood' relatives with your family. They will be Godparents to your children and will be with you for the rest of your life! I feel these are the only family you get to choose so you better do it right! That's my opinion though!

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deby Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:41 PM+
deby MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1073 WEDDING DATE: Apr 25, 2004
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:41 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

That is disgusting! To ask someone to be your koubaro because they have money? What is wrong with people?
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LImom Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:41 PM+
LImom MEMBER SINCE: 4/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1337 WEDDING DATE: May 15, 2004
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:41 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

You are not rambling. I definitely understand why you feel as you do. Honestly, I held back from saying I would advice my son to say No, but your mom definitely has a point. It's easy to say it should be your brother's decision, but not knowing how old he is, I can't help but wonder if he will be paying for everything himself? Who will do all the shopping? If he's not married or engaged, I would guess it will be good ole Mom.

I'm sorry if I'm adding fuel to the fire, but Moms often get criticized for not understanding and I just had to add my opinion.
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deby Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:43 PM+
deby MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1073 WEDDING DATE: Apr 25, 2004
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 02:43 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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dandj Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:03 PM+
dandj MEMBER SINCE: 1/02 TOTAL POSTS : 1955 WEDDING DATE: Jul 28, 2002
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:03 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Going back to the koumbaro thing, since my DH is not Greek he picked his best friend as best man and my best friend (who is Greek) was my koumbara/maid of honor. I also didn't expect her to buy the favors ( we had over 220 people at our wedding). She just bought the stefana and candles.
I've been to lots of weddings where there has been a best man/maid of honor/ and a koumbaro. My friend who also married someone not Greek had her brother as the koumbaro and her DH had his cousin as his best man. I don't think it really matters - it is who is important to you.
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AtticaQT Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:19 PM+
AtticaQT MEMBER SINCE: 5/03 TOTAL POSTS : 6197 WEDDING DATE: Jan 09, 2005
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:19 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

TIPPING BANDS - FH is pretty big with the money throwing so that is the money they are going to get as the tip. IWe are probably hiring a violinist on our own because he is a friend of FBIL - we may tip him though.
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Olgaki Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:48 PM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:48 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Hey - if you aren't into the dollar throwing thing, do you tip? You are paying for their meals.
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deby Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:58 PM+
deby MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 1073 WEDDING DATE: Apr 25, 2004
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 03:58 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

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Olgaki Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:15 PM+
Olgaki MEMBER SINCE: 3/03 TOTAL POSTS : 3258 WEDDING DATE: Jan 01, 2000
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:15 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

Yes sure! Send it on over! (It never hurts)

I don't think I'm tipping anyone who is an owner (which so far everyone who is coming to work is the owner) I can see tipping the limo guy and Matre'D That's about it

Call me cheap
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AtticaQT Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:18 PM+
AtticaQT MEMBER SINCE: 5/03 TOTAL POSTS : 6197 WEDDING DATE: Jan 09, 2005
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:18 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

You arent cheap Olga. I am sure they add tip into their price to a certain degree. You have to draw the line somewhere, otherwise you are going to be a cash giving machine on your wedding day.
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Scoop Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:35 PM+
Scoop MEMBER SINCE: 5/02 TOTAL POSTS : 3687 WEDDING DATE: Nov 02, 2002
Posted: Jun 26, 2003 04:35 PM bride-minus.png

Re: Greek Brides??

I agree with the notion that you should choose those closest to you to stand up with you. With that, I don't have a problem with having a koumaro/koumbara and a best man/moh.

I know I used my brother as an example before but here is another...when my sister got married, her husband chose his girl cousin to be the koumbara. Although, my sister really likes her, she wanted me, her only sister, to stand up with her too as moh. I think it is ok.

I hope everything works out for your brother.

As for tipping: my family throws that was band's tip. I think the rule is to tip everyone except if they are the owner of the vendor.
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