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color scheme: wine
AlmostMrsKelly Posted: May 27, 2006 10:53 PM+
AlmostMrsKelly MEMBER SINCE: 5/06 TOTAL POSTS : 1786 WEDDING DATE: Oct 15, 2006
Posted: May 27, 2006 10:53 PM bride-minus.png

color scheme: wine

my girls' dresses are 'wine' colored and though i haven't met with the florist yet, i'm trying to come up with some ideas. most pictures i see, the flowers are red or purple. nothing really in between. did anybody else have that color scheme and if so, can you please post some pics of your flowers (bo-k's, pew decorations, cakes, whatever) thank you!
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SummerBride06 Posted: May 27, 2006 10:58 PM+
SummerBride06 MEMBER SINCE: 5/05 TOTAL POSTS : 3935 WEDDING DATE: Jul 08, 2006
Posted: May 27, 2006 10:58 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

i have bill levkoff wine BM dresses. just met with the florist the other day--we're doing black magic roses, light pink roses and peruvian lilies with spray roses as well. she pulled the flowers out and put them together and i loved the combination!
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HenryAlba07 Posted: May 27, 2006 11:00 PM+
HenryAlba07 MEMBER SINCE: 5/06 TOTAL POSTS : 711 WEDDING DATE: Jun 30, 2007
Posted: May 27, 2006 11:00 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

I have some accents of it since my BM dreesses are pink (cotton candy) with a wine sash.

My florist suggested staying with pinks (peonies) and since I am doing calla lillies, orchids as well.

Orchids can definitely 'soften' the burgundy look.

Here is a gorgeous BM Bo-K that my florist recommended I do with burgundy callas to match the 'wine'

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waterspout4 Posted: May 27, 2006 11:23 PM+
waterspout4 MEMBER SINCE: 9/04 TOTAL POSTS : 4792 WEDDING DATE: Apr 01, 2006
Posted: May 27, 2006 11:23 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

My best friend's wedding was wine and we used the above picture BoKs, almost exactly. MY SIL had the same color and we did all white BoKs.

I've also seen some light orange and yellow. Think fall colors. What do the tree's leaves turn to? They all look good.

There was a bride that was married last fall that did leaves very tastefully. (SOmeone help me out with her name) Her flowergirl had leaves instead of petals and her cake had leaves. It was very beautiful!
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sarahradio5 Posted: May 28, 2006 08:39 AM+
sarahradio5 MEMBER SINCE: 1/04 TOTAL POSTS : 6698 WEDDING DATE: Nov 12, 2006
Posted: May 28, 2006 08:39 AM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

These will be my flowers, including the BM flowers in the background:

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utwo16 Posted: May 28, 2006 09:27 AM+
utwo16 MEMBER SINCE: 3/06 TOTAL POSTS : 584 WEDDING DATE: Jun 30, 2007
Posted: May 28, 2006 09:27 AM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

Posted by HenryAlba07

I have some accents of it since my BM dreesses are pink (cotton candy) with a wine sash.

My florist suggested staying with pinks (peonies) and since I am doing calla lillies, orchids as well.

Orchids can definitely 'soften' the burgundy look.

Here is a gorgeous BM Bo-K that my florist recommended I do with burgundy callas to match the 'wine'

those are gorgeous
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PATTYLAX Posted: Jul 22, 2006 03:31 PM+
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 03:31 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

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waterspout4 Posted: Jul 22, 2006 04:04 PM+
waterspout4 MEMBER SINCE: 9/04 TOTAL POSTS : 4792 WEDDING DATE: Apr 01, 2006
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 04:04 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

My best friend had wine BM dresses and our flowers were wine and white. I've also seen orange, yellow, etc. I was told to think about leaves that change in the fall to understand colors that go with wine.

I just realized that I already posted a few months ago above.
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AlmostMrsKelly Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:08 PM+
AlmostMrsKelly MEMBER SINCE: 5/06 TOTAL POSTS : 1786 WEDDING DATE: Oct 15, 2006
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:08 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

Posted by waterspout4

My best friend had wine BM dresses and our flowers were wine and white. I've also seen orange, yellow, etc. I was told to think about leaves that change in the fall to understand colors that go with wine.

I just realized that I already posted a few months ago above.

lol i was like... isn't this my post?! lol
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mtls06 Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:43 PM+
mtls06 MEMBER SINCE: 3/06 TOTAL POSTS : 451 WEDDING DATE: Sep 08, 2006
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:43 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

Posted by AlmostMrsKelly

my girls' dresses are 'wine' colored and though i haven't met with the florist yet, i'm trying to come up with some ideas. most pictures i see, the flowers are red or purple. nothing really in between. did anybody else have that color scheme and if so, can you please post some pics of your flowers (bo-k's, pew decorations, cakes, whatever) thank you!

My BM dresses are wine. Take a look at my album to see the bo-k's.
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jenn122397 Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:57 PM+
jenn122397 MEMBER SINCE: 12/05 TOTAL POSTS : 3862 WEDDING DATE: Nov 23, 2007
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 06:57 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

I just met with my florist today and I'm also doing wine/red. She showed me pics of the dresses against red bo-ks and you could barely see them in the photos. She suggested a white rose with a red tip or just incorporating other white-colored flowers.
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superkat Posted: Jul 22, 2006 07:23 PM+
superkat MEMBER SINCE: 11/05 TOTAL POSTS : 4634 WEDDING DATE: Jun 18, 2006
Posted: Jul 22, 2006 07:23 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

My SIL got married and we wore wine colored dresses. We carried white roses. Here is a pic

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agailunas Posted: Jul 23, 2006 05:31 PM+
agailunas MEMBER SINCE: 7/05 TOTAL POSTS : 247 WEDDING DATE: Sep 23, 2006
Posted: Jul 23, 2006 05:31 PM bride-minus.png

Re: color scheme: wine

my BM are wearing wine. my florist is doing verigated roses (cream on the bottom that blend to deep red on top).
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